OC Weekly Featured Dr. Frieda Caplan

Photo by Shane Lopes for OC Weekly

Our 92-year-old founder, Dr. Frieda Rapoport Caplan, was surprised and delighted when OC Weekly’s Gustavo Arellano came calling for an interview for the March 2016 “People” issue.

“Frieda Caplan Taught America How to Fear No Fruit,” says the headline.

Knowing what we’re going to want to eat years before we know it: That’s the Frieda’s way. She called the move toward organic and fair-trade decades before anyone else and thinks we’re undergoing a fundamental change in our diet, one Caplan’s company is ready to capitalize on.

“Americans are eating less meat than ever before,” Caplan says with a hearty laugh. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

Yes, it is, Dr. Frieda. Yes, it is.
